Be sure to eat a clove of garlic daily

By | June 5, 2022

Garlic is a popular ingredient enjoyed for both its unique flavor and powerful health benefits.

However, garlic is usually sautéed, roasted, or baked before being added to recipes.

For this reason, many people are unsure whether raw garlic is safe to consume.

This article takes a closer look at whether you can eat raw garlic, along with the potential benefits and downsides of doing so.

Can you eat raw garlic?

In most recipes, garlic is typically cooked or used in powdered form.

Cooking garlic alters its taste and texture, making it softer, milder, and creamier and giving it a more subtle flavor and aroma.

However, it can also be enjoyed raw rather than cooked.

Although raw garlic tends to have a stronger, more pungent flavor, it can be consumed safely and makes a great addition to many dishes.

In fact, raw garlic is often added to dips, dressings, and sauces like aioli or pesto.

What’s more, raw garlic may even retain more beneficial compounds than cooked garlic and improve several aspects of your health.

Health benefits of raw garlic

Garlic is a great source of allicin, a sulfur-containing compound associated with many health benefits

Allicin, which is responsible for the distinct taste and smell of garlic, is produced when fresh garlic is crushed or chopped

Interestingly, some research suggests that allicin could help enhance the function of your immune system and may offer some protection against conditions like heart disease and cancer

However, studies show that roasting, boiling, heating, or pickling garlic can significantly reduce its allicin content

Therefore, while consuming cooked garlic can be beneficial, opting for raw garlic instead may help maximize its nutritional value.

Here are a few of the potential health benefits of raw garlic:

  • Improves immunity. Several studies show that garlic may help decrease inflammation and boost immune function, which may be due to its content of antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds like allicin
  • Supports heart health. Some research suggests that garlic may help lower blood pressure and decrease cholesterol levels to support heart health
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels. Garlic may help reduce fasting blood sugar levels and improve blood sugar management, which may be beneficial for managing type 2 diabetes
  • Protects brain health. Although research in humans is limited, animal studied show that consuming high amounts of fresh garlic or aged garlic extract could improve memory and support brain health
Be sure to eat a clove of garlic daily