Apply This Remedy Once on Hair It Will Turn Your Gray Hair into Black

By | December 26, 2019

Hair primarily turns grey when melanocytes around hair follicle decrease or stops production of melanin. Read below to know some amazing home remedies which can help turning grey hair into black.Grey strands of hair are really a person’s most devastating nightmare. Hair primarily turns grey when melanocytes around hair follicle decrease or stops production of melanin.

Keratin is the main protein which builds up hair. Absence or deficiency of melanin in keratin causes hair greying. Deficiency of melanin can be caused because of genetics,

age and hormonal changes in the body. Chemical dyes to blacken hair and redeem hair’s lustre and shine may have harmful effects on in the long run. So, in this article,

we talk about some natural remedies which can help turning grey hair into black. Keep reading.Applying black tea to your grey hair can make hair black gradually.

It also helps in increasing volume of hair and makes hair shinier. Use the black tea mask twice a week and avoid using a shampoo after it, for effective results.

Apply This Remedy Once on Hair It Will Turn Your Gray Hair into Black