Amazing Ways to Burn Belly Fat Faster

By | February 4, 2020

Eating too little protein and consuming meals infrequently are just two of the main weight loss mistakes to avoid in 2020, experts and women who have lost weight have revealed.

The team behind one of Australia’s biggest weight loss programs, The Healthy Mummy, shared the 12 weight loss mistakes you shouldn’t make – and explained why they will only lead to a plateau and even weight gain.

‘Most people want to lose weight fast. What’s more, many are after a quick fix for weight loss. But this is the first mistake you could make when trying to losing weight,

What are the other mistakes?

1. Thinking the weight will fall off if you have a magic pill or potion

Every day it seems another weight loss supplement or drink pops up, but thinking they will change your life is a waste of time, The Healthy Mummy team said.

‘Weight loss takes commitment and healthy weight loss should be done over a sensible period of time with the aim to lose 500g-1kg a week,’ they said.

Instead of taking pills, you should focus on cutting out junk food, sugar and alcohol – as these are the things that will make a long-term difference.

2. Not eating enough protein

You might have heard before that protein is vital for building muscle, but it’s not just its muscle-building properties that make it great for weight loss.

It also helps to boost the metabolism and keeps you fuller for longer, to help to stop you for reaching for sugary snacks after every meal.

The experts recommend you consume some form of protein with every meal and snack, whether it’s a boiled egg, some nuts or lean chicken.

That way, your body will be getting the right balance of nutrients and you should stop craving chocolate.

Top 12 Weight Loss Mistakes Not to Make in 2020 Revealed