Acid Reflux and Constipation Treatment

By | March 10, 2020

 The official in charge of the SIUT Dr. Zaigham Abbas highlighted the impact of the common gastrointestinal problems, constipation, heartburn, and acid reflux among the general population. He said many times common symptoms were related to changes in dietary habits or lifestyle, while at the other extreme they might be a warning sign of some severe gastrointestinal disorder.

Dr. Mudassir Laeeq said that primary factors causing heartburn included fatty foods, acidic and spicy foods, lying down after a meal, smoking, low intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and disorders of the digestive tract.

One should comply with a doctor’s advice and medications and make lifestyle changes to adopt prevention,” he suggested. Dr. Adeel ur Rahman referred to improper eating habits, imbalance of digestive secretions, stress and other gastrointestinal structural diseases as primary contributing factors for diseases and called for diagnosis of the causes and proper treatment by a qualified physician.

Dr. Farina M. Hanif talked about bloating of the stomach and said that it could be caused by excessive gas production in intestines, increased sensitivity of intestines to normal gas, eating very quickly, smoking and other issues. Its management required medicines and avoidance of gas-producing foods, like cabbage, pulses, and beans, she added.

Acid Reflux and Constipation Treatment