A Strange Story Of A Girl

By | February 14, 2024

I woke up at 6AM and my eyes started to hurt so I closed them for a minute. I looked at my clock and it was 7AM. 1 second later, it was already 8AM. I quickly jumped out of my bed not realising my foot was stuck in the blanket. I fell onto the ground but luckily, one of my pillows was on the ground so I wasn’t hurt at all. I ran downstairs and I made myself a cereal.

Then I went back upstairs again and went to my bathroom to brush my tooth and changed into my school uniform. Lastly, I put my homework in my bag and woke my dad up so he will take me to school. When I arrived, I could see my class heading to our classroom so I ran to get in line with the rest of the kids. When we went inside

I put my bag on my chair and sat down on the floor. My teacher waited until everyone was quiet. When everyone was settled down, she introduced a new student. ‘Ok class today we have a new student. Her name is Sarah. Would you please introduce yourself to the class.’ Asked my teacher. When she started moving her mouth,

I couldn’t hear anything. ‘Was I the only one who didn’t hear her?’ Finally the teacher noticed I was confused she asked if anything was wrong and I said I couldn’t hear her but the teacher just shrugged and walked back to her desk. I was so confused.

A strange story of a girl
A strange story of a girl