A Girl Who Loves To Read And Write

By | February 14, 2024

Dating a girl who reads will undoubtedly enhance your life. Here is why you should date a bookworm.

1. She is curious. A girl who loves to read is an avid learner; always hungry for more knowledge and more books. She will be just as curious about you and your life and will definitely keep things interesting.

2. She knows how to hold a real conversation. A girl who reads wants to talk about everything with you. You will have sincere and deep conversations with her, not just small talk. She will tell you about her life and the stories she reads that are stored in the depths of her mind and she will fervently listen to yours.

3. She will understand you. She will understand the different characters of you; the good, the bad and the ugly. The victim and the villain. The strong and the weak. She will be able to dissect you just as she does with the characters in her books and she will understand what triggers each side of you, more importantly, she will know exactly how to deal with every single one of them.

4. She doesn’t mind spending time alone. A girl who reads probably craves alone time more than any other girl. She doesn’t mind entertaining herself with a pile of books. You will never have to worry about taking care of her-ever. She loves her books just as much as she loves you.

A girl who loves to read and write

5. She will read you. She will read your silence, your body language, the way you talk about something you are passionate about and the way you talk about something you loathe. She will read your insecurities and your fears and she will always read between the lines. You don’t have to worry about being misunderstood, she can write essays about you.