Calcium and Vitamin D Requirements, ….

By | July 18, 2020

You probably already know that you need calcium for strong, healthy bones. Phosphorus is another mineral that helps build and repair bones. But did you know that your body needs vitamin D to help enhance calcium and phosphorus absorption?

Vitamin D plays a key role in enhancing phosphorus entry as well as maintaining a healthy balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. That makes vitamin D a critical component to maintaining healthy and strong bones. Both calcium and phosphorus absorption takes place in the intestinal tract, most particularly in the lower segment of the small intestine, which is called the ileum.

In fact, 70 to 80% of calcium absorption occurs in this specific area of the intestines. 1 The entry of calcium and phosphorus into the digestive tract is positively enhanced by the presence of Vitamin D.1 That means that vitamin D is the key to getting calcium and phosphorus to enter the bloodstream via the gut.

Low levels of vitamin D can result in insufficient levels of both calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is not surprising that low levels of vitamin D can also be associated with soft, brittle or deformed bones. Maintaining proper levels of vitamin D has been associated with the prevention of softening and weakening of bones in children (known as Rickets) as well as softening of the bones (known as Osteomalacia) in adults.

Vitamin D and calcium also help protect older adults from a reduction in bone mass and thinning of the bone which predisposes the bones to break at the slightest movement (known as osteoporosis).2,3