Urine Colors and What They Might Mean

By | December 8, 2019

Most of the time, urine is a pale yellow color because it contains urochrome, one of the substances produced when hemoglobin gets broken down. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that sticks to oxygen so it can be ferried around the body. Occasionally, though, urine turns a very different color. Men may notice the change as their urine enters the toilet bowl or urinal.

Women may be more likely to observe it after wiping. Seeing red or orange instead of the usual yellow can be alarming, especially if there are also symptoms like a burning sensation or pain with urination.

The alarm may be justified: an abnormal urine color can be an early sign of a serious medical condition. To be on the safe side, it should be discussed with a doctor or another clinician.

But don’t push the panic button. Urine can also change color for harmless reasons having to do with the foods you’ve eaten or medications you’re taking. And colors other than red and orange are very unusual.Following is a brief rundown of some of the color changes and what they might mean.

Yellow, Red, Brown, Green: Urine Colors and What They Might Mean