DOCTOR STRANGE has entered the multiverse — and lived the tell the tale. In the latest dispatch from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, Benedict Cumberbatch’s sorcerer superhero embarks on an adventure through alternate realities, meeting variants of some familiar faces (including his own) along the way.
By the end of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, both Stephen Strange and his co-star Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) manage to achieve some sort of closure. So what happens next? What does the ending of Doctor Strange 2 mean? And will we get a Doctor Strange 3?
Cumberbatch recently told IGN he’s “taking a bit of a break” from acting in general, which means he’s probably not rushing off to film another superhero movie. Then again, Marvel has never been afraid to play the long game. In other words, don’t rule Doctor Strange 3 out just yet. So with that in mind, let’s take a closer look at where the character might be headed next.
About two thirds of the way through the movie, Doctor Strange encounters an evil version of himself in a collapsing alternate reality. This Strange variant is corrupted by the Darkhold (an evil book of spells last seen in WandaVision) and sports a spooky third eye in the center of his forehead to prove it.