10 Natural Remedies To Grow Longer Eyelashes

By | September 15, 2021

The eyelashes protect the eyes from dust, sand, and debris. Apart from acting as a protective barrier to your eyes, they also give an instant lift to your eye makeup.Sometimes, various factors be it advancing age or an underlying medical condition like hypotrichosis – can cause the lashes to fall out and become thin.If you are trying to grow longer lashes naturally, there are some science-backed home remedies that may work for you.

Note: Some remedies on this list do not have direct scientific evidence to prove their ability to promote longer eyelashes.

1. Castor Oil

Ricinoleic acid is the major component of castor oil and makes up about 90% of it. This acid has shown potential in helping with hair loss. Thus, it may also be an alternative option for maintaining the thickness of your lashes.

However, a clinical case shows that the high viscosity of castor oil may result in hair matting and extreme dryness (3). Hence, consult your dermatologist before you try this remedy.

What To Do:

You will need 1 teaspoon of cold-pressed castor oil and a few cotton swabs. Before applying castor oil, cleanse your eyelashes thoroughly with water and pat them dry with a mild cleanser.

Dip the cotton swab in cold-pressed castor oil and apply it along your upper and lower lash lines. Avoid getting the oil into your eyes. Keep the oil on overnight and wash it off the next morning.

Ten homemade eyelash tips