Every year, the question of how to handle the meat of sacrificed animals, be it from a cow, sheep or goat, for Qurban Bayram, aka Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, comes to the forefront once again. And every year, we see people making the same mistakes over and over again,
from outright ruining the freshly cut meat to making it harmful for human health. People with gastrointestinal problems in particular will also have to be more patient if they don’t want to spend the holiday on the toilet or in bed. Here are some points to keep in mind when preparing and cooking your meat:
As tempting as it is to directly throw your meat onto a grill or a barbeque or marinate them in their own fat there to be braised, there is something major that many forget: rigor mortis.
You might have heard of (or read about) this term in a police drama or a murder-mystery novel when they find a corpse. It basically means that the meat toughens or stiffens (rigor) after death (mortis).
This stiffness might be good for chopping up the pieces you want to keep in the freezer but it is not the smartest idea to eat it in that state. Aside from making your stomach hurt, the taste will not be quite right.