There are many preconceived notions when it comes to a woman’s role in the home. It isn’t difficult to find two very polar opposite views in regards to the definition of a housewife and mother. The polar opposites can be quite deafening and the progression of this role, in modern society, has created a level of insecurity, but that need not be the case. In the process of giving women more
“freedom” in the workplace, the joys, the sacrifices, and the accomplishments in the home have been negated. By the accepting of daily trials, the momentary satisfactions, and the desire to love, a woman may create a home environment of warmth, beauty, love, and compassion for her family. It is through the dedicated vocation of a wife and mother that she becomes “queen of the home.”
Modern society chooses to ignore the two differing, but necessary and effectual, roles of the husband and wife. It is a secular and simplified assumption that the woman washes the dishes and the man cuts the grass. No, God has given a husband and wife much more complex qualities that interweave at deeper levels for the benefit of the family.
As a man instinctually desires to provide for the family, the woman innately spends her undying moments protecting the family. This is not in the sense of her going into a physical battle (though that could always be a possibility), but in the preservation of the family unit. The woman observes and delegates on a micro-level for the family:
the daily house chores, the clothing of the children, the scheduling of activities, and the education of the children, especially in regards to the Catholic Faith. Whereas, the man naturally views the family on a macro-level: the providing of the financial means and the caring for the family as a spiritual shepherd. It is by joining these two differing, but necessary roles, that the family unit is protected from outside harm.
![A wife is the queen of the house, not a shoe](