Wife was crying

By | August 29, 2019

Who is it hurting,you?children? Her?has she askedyou for help?here is wisdom.my mother in law lost both her daughters within a few years apart,45yrs46.one of them was mywife.but i had been at hospitals,driving for her,just being there as support,never said much.months later when ever i would visit she would beso happy to see me ,then kaboom sheis crying,,,again,,,anything or nothing triggered it,

the nephews would get upset and say please stop grammy,at first i use to try and cosole her,but it didnt seem necessary,one day she put it in perspective, she said mike doesnt mind right,

i said not at all maam,she said mike was there when both of my daughters died,te worst days of her life,and i feel comfortable crying when hes here and only when he is,i have to,

it neverstopped but got less emotional,she died tragically falling over as she was going tobed one evening.nobody was there to interact or listen to her crying,so she had a few drinks.

Wife was crying