Why it is Great to Be a Mature Woman

By | August 15, 2024

There’s an age-old saying that goes, “Life begins at 40.” As your 20s and 30s were all about excitement, adventure as you explored life and opportunities, entering your 40s and 50s means gaining self-assurance and self-confidence, embracing your own skin and personality as you settle in your own identity.

When you’ve reached this stage of your life, it’s likely that you’ve gone through so much: from friendships and heartbreaks to wins and losses that had to be gained through hard-earned lessons. Your 40s and 50s are when you experience life on your own terms, as you confidently navigate through the world without being confined by the restrictions of others.

As you’ve been taught to be kind to others while growing up, it’s time to practice a time-honored mantra: “Be kind to yourself.” Caring for yourself doesn’t entail much: just simple yet powerful practices that become a habit over time. This Valentine’s Day, learn to embrace joy and inner light so you can shine it on others; all it takes are simple steps!

Practice gratitude.

One way to care for your mental health and evoke inner peace is to practice being thankful. The Greater Good research center at UC Berkeley explained that gratitude was key to improving the state of one’s mental health and imparting lasting effects on the brain, as it releases one from toxic emotions.

Start by writing a letter of gratitude to a person you have always wanted to thank for whatever reason and deliver it in person. Or, start a daily gratitude journal so you can always list down the things you are grateful for at the end of each day, even at the end of a particularly bad one.

Why it is Great to Be a Mature Woman