Why Don’t Daughters Raise Their Voices

By | August 25, 2024

How I would parent was not something I ever planned or thought too much about before I had my children but as soon as they were born, I knew what kind of mother I was.

Iam a gentle parent. People can often get that confused with a pushover but a pushover I am far from. My children learn right from wrong and they are told when they are not behaving appropriately. But I don’t shout, and I don’t raise my voice as a rule.

Unless I have to, which can also be confusing because if it is shouting to stop my child running across the road or if they are potentially in danger then you better believe I shout, but what is my child learning if I am shouting? I really believe nothing at all.

Here is why:

I hate it.

I hate shouting. In my opinion, there is no need for it. So, I can’t even imagine how shouting at a little person must be for them.

It’s harmful.

Recent studies show that shouting at your children can be just as harmful as hitting them. It is just as frightening for a child to be shouted at as it is to be hit.

Why don't daughters raise their voices

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