Why do other women in the world look beautiful after marriage?

By | November 20, 2020

Why other women in the world look beautiful after marriage

An experienced scholar discovers his problem and says:
In the beginning when my wife liked me, she was in my eyes, as if Allaah never made anyone like her in this world.

And when I gave her the message of marriage, there were so many girls like me in my eyes at the time.

Then, when I married her, many more beautiful, beautiful girls passed through my eyes.

After a few years of marriage, I began to feel that all women in the world are more beautiful than my wife.

The Shaykh said: Should I not tell you something even more strange?
The man replied: Yes, no!
Hazrat said: Even if you marry all the women of the world, you still feel that the wandering dogs on the street are more beautiful than all the women in the world.

The man said with a slight smile: Hazrat! Why are you saying that?
Hazrat replied: The real problem is not in your wife, but the real problem is that when the heart of a man becomes greedy, his eyes start to wander around and the man becomes ashamed of shame, then there is none other than the dust of the grave. Nothing can fill his eyes.

Why do other women in the world look beautiful after marriage

Listen! Your problem is that you can’t keep your eyes down.
Do you want to make your wife the most beautiful woman in the world again?
The man replied: Yes!
The Prophet said