I come from a community of women who joyfully serve their families. From my mother and grandmothers to my aunts and my sister — the women around me delight to pour themselves out for others. The way of Christ is to serve. Die to self. Wash feet. Self last.
So why in the world did Jesus do the total OPPOSITE with the Woman at the Well?
I’ve adored the Woman at the Well story since I saw it on the church’s original multi-media projector, The Felt Board. It wasn’t until recently, I became confused by this beautiful story’s beginning.
Why did Jesus ask a complete stranger to serve him?
John 4 tells us, Jesus was weary, and his disciples had left him for a Chick-fil-a run (my translation). He came to Samaria and sat down beside Jacob’s Well when a Samaritan woman approached to draw water. Jesus greeted her with 4 strange words: “Give me a Drink.”

Say what?!
I don’t always respond kindly to the men I love when they ask me for something, let alone a complete stranger.