White Spot on Nail Meaning and the Reason Behind it

By | July 31, 2020

As our nails are connected to the skin, they are also affected by certain dermatological conditions (fungus, psoriasis, etc.); however, some anomalies in the nails’ texture indicate internal disorders. The texture of healthy nails is evenly smooth, and the surface is convex from side to side.

Abnormally thick nails may be due to poor blood circulation in the vascular system. Brittle nails suggest that there are problems with the liver, whereas flaky nails could indicate increased sugar levels. Spoon-shaped nails can be a result of vitamin B deficiency, along with thyroid problems and impaired kidneys.

People, who undergo constant stress, have nails with characteristic horizontal ridges; while nail ridges of those who suffer from congested liver or have problems with digestion are most likely to have a vertical shape. The nails that appear flocculent like white clouds can be a sign of roundworm. Large bulging nails mean ailment of lungs, most often tuberculosis. Flat, deflected nails indicate that a person is developing bronchial asthma.

White Spot on Nail Meaning and the Reason Behind it

There are many other signs and symptoms of diseases that crop up in nails. Often, to learn about our body’s state of wellness, we need to look no further than the ends of our own digits. That is why it is important to be vigilant about maintaining healthy nails so that we are able to detect any potential problems.