Welcome your daughter-in-law to the family with these heartwarming daughter-in-law quotes.
As the largest career community for women, Fairygodboss has a social mission to help women achieve their career goals. Whether you and your daughter-in-law have careers outside the home or not, we understand how important it is to get your relationship off on the right footing. After all, she’s the newest member of your family!
1. “You can make everyone smile. It seems that you have a natural talent to make everyone around you happy. You have a good heart full of love.”
2. “We could not have hoped to get this much even from a daughter. You’ve done so much for our whole family. You are such a splendid wife and dutiful mother that it is impossible to find another one like you.”
3. “God gave us the great gift of you. We are proud to have a woman like you as our daughter-in-law.”
4. “Now that you’ve come along, our family is complete.”
5. “A daughter-in-law is one who marries your son and becomes your friend.”
6. “You are famous for your loving heart and soothing words. You are well known to every member of our family as a kind-hearted, beautiful lady.”
8. “As a parent, we are happy to see that our son is so happy with you. You two are a perfect couple. You have real love and chemistry. We are very lucky that our son has chosen a wife like you.”
9. “Happiness is having a daughter-in-law like you.”
10. “Now that you’ve come along, our family is complete.”