A while back I was speaking and asked for a show of hands, “How many of the wives have had too much affirmation over the past month?” Laughter broke out across the room. No, haven’t had too much of that.
If Lisa is any indication, women often have the feeling that life is coming at them with the speed of a fighter jet and the chaos of a riot. Add to this the voices everywhere around them saying in subtle and not so subtle ways that the job they’re doing isn’t quite up to the mark. Wives often have the nagging feeling that they just don’t measure up.
Let’s drown out those voices with the applause of affirmation – words of beauty, truth, and love that every wife wants to hear, but also needs to hear often. You can listen to the FAITHFUL LIFE podcast episode on this topic by clicking the link, following, or go straight to the list of affirmations, below
Here are 102 to help you get started.
1) You give a lot, and I appreciate how much you give.
2) You are beautiful.
3) You make me want to be a better man.
4) Thanks for your faithfulness to our family.
5) You are a godly woman.