Doing stuff alone, I’ll admit, is scary. Going out alone? Even scarier. The idea of going somewhere without the protection and company of your squad, or at least your mom, is enough to make you want to stay home and watch old episodes of The OC by yourself. But why should you spend your Friday night alone on the couch just because you’re single, or because your friends are being lame? Believe it or not, going out alone can actually be really fun.
Last weekend, I went to a nightclub by myself. I was supposed to be meeting someone, but couldn’t find them when I got there, and ended up spending my whole night on the dance floor.
I had no phone service, no one to talk to, and no one to dance with. At first, it was a nightmare. But then, I started talking to strangers, which isn’t something I do often.
The confidence may have come partly from the fact that I was wearing a Halloween costume, but it was also because my only choices were to go home alone to my empty apartment at 11 p.m., or force myself to try and meet new people. I chose the latter, and it ended up being one of the most fun nights of my life.