What Successful People Do

By | December 17, 2021

If you’ve ever done anything to improve your situation in life, you know it took some effort. Whether it’s earning a degree, landing a new job, sealing an important relationship or improving your fitness, getting ahead isn’t going to happen without you taking some different steps. But it’s not always big changes which reap the most rewards. If you ask high achieving people about their secrets to success,

more often it’s the little things they do every single day which point them in the right direction and keep them headed there. Here’s are the routines 20 executives say help them perform to their greatest ability.

“It’s the only quiet time in my day, and I can focus my mind before heading into work. Further, when I take vacations, I often visit places where it’s hard to reach me. During that time, I can be in the moment without the distractions that can always come looking for us.”

“Misery is contagious. It’s slippery, it’s insidious, and it’s sneaky. You don’t even realize it’s shaded your sunshine until it’s too late. And then there you are: stuck. Stuck in a dark vortex of unhappiness,

having lost all momentum to live your best life. But, here’s the thing: Joy works exactly the same way. You want to be happy? Surround yourself with a ‘framily’

that combination of friends and family who shine your own standards of excellence back upon you, demand that you bring your best, and foster joy. Joy, too, is contagious, and compounding.”

What Successful People Do