That writing needs to hold some value is not a new concept. Those that write have some basic intuition that what they create needs to have some intrinsic value.
Of course, if I want to write a science fiction story, it should entertain and enlighten those who read it. When I write on this blog, I carefully consider what use each post is to you. 700 articles later, I know some of them have been more valuable than others.
And when I consider the importance of value my work has, it’s very clear that it’s more crucial than things like grammar, spelling, style and voice. Those are important,
yes, as they’d clearly diminish the usefulness of your work without having them. But, and bear with me here, I can tell you that the articles I’ve written on this site that have endured,
have done so because they’ve given the most value to you; the reader. Posts such as “The EASY Way To Move Microsoft Office 2011 License” still have life because they continue to provide value today.