What Is The Secret Of Children’s Health

By | August 12, 2024

Since inception, The Valley Trust has focused on building the capacity of individuals and households to take charge of their own health and improve their quality of life. Our work maintains this ethos.



→  1.To increase the number of 0 – 6 year old children that have access to health and safeguarding services as well as cognitive and physical stimulation in their homes.

→  2.To increase the ability of caregivers to support their children by increasing caregivers’ knowledge of parenting and health.

→  3.To strengthen ties with local partners for purposes of referral and linkage and to improve the quality of services that enhance the wellbeing of children and their caregivers.


The high levels of poverty, inequality and HIV and AIDS put children in South Africa’s rural areas at high risk for poor development of their bodies and minds.TVT tackles this challenge in our local communities through a tested programme that enables caregivers to ensure the optimal growth of their children and which is delivered mainly in the children’s homes.

The Khula Kahle Mntwana Programme was established in 2013 after a study by the University of KwaZulu-Natal found that many young children in the rural Valley of 1,000 Hills suffered from micronutrient deficiencies, leading to delays in the development of their bodies and minds.The study also found that the caregivers of these children suffered from various forms of mental distress, including anxiety, stress and depression. This prevented the caregivers from being able to take proper care of their children.

What is the secret of children's health