What is the Meaning of a Virtuous Woman

By | August 22, 2024

What exactly does it mean to be a virtuous woman?  This is a common term that we hear, but do we really know what it means?   I think that any Christian woman would have a desire to be a virtuous woman, and it’s clear from Scripture that we should be virtuous, so I think that it’s important for us to know about the true virtuous woman meaning.

Virtuous Woman Meaning

     This post begins a series that is in keeping with the blog name: A Ruby in the Rough.  I chose that name to reflect my desire to become a Proverbs 31 woman but also to show that I am still a work in progress, just as we all are.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

     As an introduction to the series today, we are going to start by looking at some dictionary definitions of what it means to be a virtuous woman.  Now a word of caution here.  Words and their meanings change a lot, so just any dictionary is not good for Bible study.  I recommend using the Merriam Webster 1828 dictionary.  It a Biblically-based dictionary with Scripture verses included, and it sheds light on words and their original meanings.

     Okay, let’s start by looking at the virtuous woman meaning.  I’m going to list out some of the definitions for you to read, and then I’ll discuss them a bit.

What is the Meaning of a Virtuous Woman