Much like water gushing down a drain, the very fabric of space (and time) also appears to be draining away within some of the most enigmatic things in the universe — black holes. But, what exactly are they?
Are they more common than we think? Should we be concerned about them? What role do they play in the universe?
These are just some of the “big picture” questions some of the greatest minds of astrophysics have mulled over for many decades.
Let’s see what, if anything, they’ve managed to learn about the “Great Devourers” of the cosmos.
What is the definition of a black hole?
Black holes can be defined, according to NASA, as “a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space.”
As light is unable to escape the black hole’s gravity, it appears completely black – hence the name. Black holes can, however, be “seen” with some special analysis of data collected from a wide range of telescopes (more on this later).
How are black holes made of, and what different kinds of them are there?
How black holes form depends on their type and origin. To date, scientists have managed to define at least four different kinds of black holes:
- Miniature black holes
- Intermediate black holes
- Stellar black holes
- Supermassive black holes