In ancient medicine, has also been of great benefits of hot water before breakfast was so much stress. Many people prefer to drink cold water, and prefer ice water in the summer and think that tells their thirst and benefit their health. Warm water is very helpful in saving energy for the digestive system. It reduces the metabolic waste accumulated in the immune system, and water during eating improves digestion. Doctors prove that get 100% results of this treatment.
- Severe headaches (migraine).
- High blood pressure
- Anemia
- Joint pain
- Suddenly fast or slow heartbeat
- Epilepsy treatment
- Fat, cholesterol
- Severe cough
- Anxiety, neck pain
- Asthma
- Whooping cough
- Off vessels
- Urinary bladder and the diseases associated with it.
- Becomes sour stomach
- Sore stomach
- Reduced appetite
- Every disease that is associated with sore eyes and ears.
Get up early every morning and drink on an empty stomach about 4 glasses of 160 cc, the water should be warm, but not hot enough to burn the language, just near hot. A caution that drinking water not eat anything for 45 minutes.
And then just drink water for two hours after each meal. In the beginning some people cannot drink 4 glasses، so slowly convey it to 4 glasses. Water has been proven to cure various diseases in fixed period, and they are as follows: