What Are Reading Advocates and How Do They Encourage

By | November 16, 2022

Nobody reads to me anymore,” said a first grader at Pleasant Ridge Montessori School in Cincinnati, Ohio. “I read to them!”

This unbridled declaration was emphatically blurted out by a first grader during a focus group discussion with students at Pleasant Ridge Montessori. The confidence evoked by the student in this statement is what early literacy champions strive to inspire in all students. But what does it take to help our children believe in their ability to read and enjoy reading, and what can we do to help them along the way?

As part of our efforts to help improve student outcomes, Strive Partnership has embarked on an exploration to tell the fuller story of how our kids are doing along the life path, and whether the ecosystem that surrounds them is effectively supporting them to thrive.

When we look at early literacy, we’re trying to identify the factors that have positive impact well before the proficiency test results and graduation rates are released, so that more intentional programs and interventions can be designed to help students succeed.

Advocacy read