Do you recognise the gnawing feeling of not being satisfied in your life? Even when you are happy, you may still have the feeling that there is more in life.
Happiness is a short-term feeling but satisfaction is about your entire life. I would like to give you some ideas on how you can become more satisfied. The most essential aspect I have saved for last.
Are you satisfied with your life?
Be grateful
When you look for satisfaction in material things, you will never be satisfied. There will always be nicer stuff to buy. And if you have beautiful possessions, you will realize that they do not give you much satisfaction. A lot of stuff also means a lot of worries. Things get broken, they can get lost or stolen.
Practice gratitude. Take a daily time to write down what you can be grateful for. It could be people surrounding you, achievements you are proud of or an experience you have had. Think about it and write down why you are grateful.
Also have a look at all the stuff you possess. Regularly get rid of items you no longer need. This can also bring peace and satisfaction. Postpone buying items that you do not really need.
Grow your patience
Our society is increasingly focused on getting instant results. Because of this, we are getting less and less patient. But many aspects of life take time. Therefore, you should also build in breaks for yourself. It helps you to take a distance from the daily rush. Go for a walk in nature or spend time with your family and friends. It will bring you peace and helps you to practise patience.
Do not compare yourself with others
When you compare yourself with others, you soon have the impression that you are not as good as them. But not everybody is the same and every person has their unique qualities. By comparing yourself with others all the time, you often fail to notice what you can be good at. You will become insecure and dissatisfied.
Be proud of the things you are good at. If you can’t name some qualities of yourself that you are good at, make a list of 5 examples. Write down 5 areas in which you are better than people you know. Or ask someone you can trust to name a few of your best qualities.