Wazifa For Rizq …

By | June 7, 2020

If you have the most urgent need or wish. The hajat which needs to be fulfilled within a day. Just go ahead with wazifa for hajat in 1 day. In one sitting you will get whatever you have asked to ALLAH T’ala.

From getting a job to urgent wish. Any need can be accomplished through this fruitful Qur’ani wazifa. The devotion, concentration and dedication are all the keys to get the desired results.

This is a one-time wazifa for your urgent hajat. Though, there is no harm if you perform it further for more than 1 day. Say 3 days or 5 days or even more.→Method of Khatme Khwajagan

If you can recite this wazifa on the day of Friday. It would really blend more power to it.

  1. At any time and on any day (Recommended after Friday prayers).
  2. Make a fresh ablution.→Most Powerful Qurani Wazifa for Hajat in 1 Day.
  1. Perform a Tahiyat-ul-wuzu prayer. In Tahiyat-ul-wuzu prayer you have to offer 2 rakat salat immediately after performing the ablution. The intention of this prayer is ‘I make an intention for 2 rakat Tahiyat-ul-wuzu.’
  2. Do not move and do not change your posture. Sit still, as it is after salam.
  3. Recite Alhamdu Shareef 11 times.