There is no full stop and the desire becomes almost insatiable.On the other hand, if you spend the extra wealth on charity, it becomes a great virtue and a source of Divine pleasure. And if you please Allah, He will bestow His provision more and more on you. The wealth may even be immeasurable and without account. The verse 212 of Surah Al-Baqarah from the Holy Quran says the same thing:
“And Allah bestows His provision without measure (without account) on whom He wills.”
When you spend money in the way of Allah, it is just as you give Him debt. And He returns the debt many times more than the actual amount or wealth you spend. There is the mention of the same thing in verse 245 of Surah Al-Baqarah.
“Is there any Who will loan Allah a goodly load so that He will multiply it for them many times?”
If you want to request Allah to give you wealth, you can read Wazifa for money. You can perform the Wazifa for money by reciting a name of Allah Almighty. The option of reading some complete chapters or Surahs from the Noble Quran is also available.

For example, you may read “Ya Malik” twenty-one hundred times after the Fajar prayer on daily basis. There will be an increase in your wealth. Similarly, the recitation of Surah Al-Rahman is very useful for this purpose.