Many people will experience the onset of their third molars or wisdom teeth coming in during their late teen years to early twenties. Since the other 28 teeth are usually already in place by then they often don’t have enough room to properly fit which can cause wisdom teeth pain to occur. Wisdom teeth frequently come it at an angle, come in too close to another tooth, only come in partially,
or do not emerge from the gums at all. Partially exposed molars make room for food and bacteria to get trapped and grow. All of these possibilities can, unfortunately, cause wisdom teeth pain.
While the only permanent solution is to visit your dentist and schedule their removal, it is not always something that one can do immediately. Below are some at home tips that may help alleviate the wisdom teeth pain while awaiting removal from a dentist.
Ibuprofen is an over the counter pain relieving medication that should help temporarily reduce pain. Ibuprofen will reduce inflammation, or swelling, therefore relieving the throbbing sensation frequently experienced. It is a temporary aid and should not be used long term.
Please be sure to read and follow packaging instructions for dosing recommendations. It is important to consult a primary care physician or pharmacist before taking any medication.