USA Appreciate Pakistan For Achieving More Achievements In Development

By | March 31, 2020

Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan returned from a three-day visit to the United States to the Pakistani capital early on Thursday, greeted by scores of jubilant political supporters following what his government is touting as a successful “reset” of the two countries’ often-troubled relationship.”Today I felt not as if I have returned from a foreign trip, but as if I have returned after winning the [cricket] World Cup

“Khan, a former cricketer, told supporters at Islamabad’s airport in the early hours of Thursday.Khan met US President Donald Trump on Monday, with both sides reaffirming their commitment to the Afghan peace process and the US president offering his services to mediate in the Kashmir dispute with India has rejected the proposal.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan’s powerful military chief, accompanied the prime minister, along with intelligence chief Lieutenant-General Faiz Hameed.Khan and his delegation also held meetings with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, US congressional leaders, and the heads of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

On his return, the prime minister struck a defiant tone, where he asserted that Pakistan was seeking a “reset” of its relationship with the US in order to be seen as an equal partner.

“Never have I bowed before anyone, and neither will I ever let my nation bow before anyone,” he said. “We must become a self-reliant nation.”Al Jazeera spoke with analysts in Washington, Islamabad and New Delhi to assess the visit.

Kugelman: I think both sides got what they want. Washington’s aim was to pull out all the stops and showcase its appreciation to Pakistan for the help that Islamabad has provided in Afghanistan over the last year. And that is what it did, with Pakistan clearly grateful for how Khan was treated by his American hosts.