I saw a post where a man got married to lady that has done abortion in the past and that she has ovarian cyst.
She didn’t tell him about her past until he probed because she’s having difficulties in getting pregnant.
Let me share a story & make of this story whatever you may. So I know a couple that dated for 4 years and they eventually got married.
He didn’t meet her as a Virgin (I was told). But during their 4 years of courtship, the lady took in at least 7 times and each time, she aborted with the full knowledge of the man.
After they got married It took them 3 years before the wife could get pregnant.
It was during these 3 years of waiting that her husband confided in me about their dating days.
But he said something…
He said he has accepted the fact that they may never have children again. And if that happens, he was ready to stand by his wife because he knows her history. He knew his wife wasn’t infertile.
But as God will have it, she conceived naturally after 3 years of waiting and they have 3 children now.
Why am I sharing this?
I recall I had said we should be careful how we Condemn or judge people with their past. I also know that somethings are better left unsaid depending on how sensitive they are.
Now imagine…
If that lady, after series of abortions had married someone else, and same problems arose, and then the man went to dig into her past, what do you think would have happened?
Sometime ago, I posted that the decision to get married involves taking a huge risk and that you have to do it afraid.
It’s also possible that she could have taken in without much delays with another man in marriage and they’re both happy in it and she never really divulged such information to him correct?

Here is my take. There are certain pasts one may not be able to take or that needs to be divulged.
But, in everything we do, we must apply wisdom and maturity.
The moment you sign up for marriage, be ready to shoulder the responsibilities that come with it.
Some people get married and their spouse suddenly develop terminal cancer at very young ages.