Of all the above fourteen, the first two namely Aurasa and Dattaka are the approved and mostly accepted and the rest of twelve are absolute.
1) Aurasa (or the Legitimate Son) :
The Son begotten by a man himself upon his lawfully wedded wife is the Aurasa, the best of all sons.
2) Dattaka (or the adopted Son) :
A boy given voluntarily by his parents to an unfortunate Son less man being of the same caste and gift confirmed with a libation of water is known as the Dattaka of the man to whom he is given.
3) Kritrima (or the son made) :
A boy accepted like one’s own son for the sake of his qualities as such, after examining his qualities or faults as a son of one’s own caste , is known as the kritrima son. The letter two are different kinds of adopted sons.
4) Kshetraja :
The son begotten by niyoga, as approved by the shastra, one’s own wife by another man with the consent of the husband, or important, is known as Kshetraja.
5) Gudhaja :
Son secretly brought forth by the wife. A son born is the family but as to who begot him being unknown, is known as the gudhottpanna son of the one on whose wife he is begotten .
6) Kanina
Son secretly born to an unmarried damsel. The secretly born to a maiden in her father’s house is known as the Kanina son of the one who marries her.