Scuffles broke out with the police after some mourners tried to lay flowers at the sites where the bombs went off on Saturday.
A pro-Kurdish party involved in the rally where the bombs went off believes the true death toll is 128.
Security sources say they suspect Islamic State (IS) bombed the rally.
The government has furiously denied suggestions it was involved in the attacks itself.
The blasts took place near Ankara’s central train station as people gathered for a march organised by leftist groups demanding an end to the violence between the Turkish government and Kurdish separatist PKK militants.
In an expected announcement, the PKK declared a unilateral ceasefire on Saturday, calling on its fighters to halt its guerrilla activities in Turkey except in cases of self-defence.
However, on Sunday the Turkish military said it had carried out air strikes against the group, attacking targets in south-eastern Turkey as well as PKK positions in northern Iraq, and killing 49 people.