Top Tips To Ensure That You Never Forget Your Glasses

By | December 25, 2024

At Jackson Davenport, we know how important it is that anyone who needs glasses wears them at all times. If you forget your glasses or choose not to wear them, then you’ll damage your eyesight in the long run.

We also realize that many glasses wearers forget their glasses and leave them at home when they leave the house. However, we also know that there are easy ways to reduce your chances of forgetting your glasses.

Remembering your glasses, and wearing them whenever you need to, is essential if you want to improve your eye health. You’ll also find it hard to concentrate on tasks such as driving and reading if you don’t wear your prescription glasses.

If you’re prone to leaving your eyeglasses at home, then keep reading, and we’ll share our expert tips to help you remember your glasses all the time.

Find A Pair Of Glasses You Love

If you choose a pair of glasses that look amazing and go with every outfit you own, then you’ll be more likely to remember them when you’re getting dressed in the morning. We have the largest selection of designer eyewear in Summerville, as well as a selection of quirky independent brands, so you’ll be able to find the perfect glasses for your style. You could also consider buying multiple pairs so that you’ve always got one to accessorize any look. If you love your glasses and they look perfect, then you’ll be more likely to remember them and feel comfortable wearing them.

Make Sure They Fit Properly

As well as looking fantastic, your glasses also need to fit your face. If they’re too loose, then they could fall off your face, whereas tight glasses are uncomfortable to wear. Make sure that you buy your glasses from an experienced team of eyewear experts like us so that you can have them adjusted to fit your face perfectly. For minor adjustments, you can try using a screwdriver to fix the problem yourself, but if you’re unsure or the issue is more severe, then bring your glasses to our Vision Center to get them fixed and ensure that they fit correctly. Then you can enjoy wearing your glasses in comfort and increase your chances of remembering to put them on in the morning.

Keep A Spare Pair With You At All Times

Buying more than one pair of glasses and keeping spare pairs in your bag, car, and desk draw will mean that if you forget one pair, you’ll always have a spare set on hand. Jackson Davenport offers a wide variety of eyewear so that you can find several pairs that look incredible. If you’ve found the one pair that you’re in love with and that matches everything, then you could buy several pairs in the same style. Whatever approach you choose to take, having extra pairs of glasses will ensure that you’ve always got them when you need them.

The glasses were forgotten at home in the morning