Diseases are liked by none and are good for nothing. Even when some suffer from any kind of disease, they don’t like to get Medicated with oral or injectable kind of things. So then what to be done! Hey guys, cheer up today we will be telling you a very different remedy to treat diseases.
Using plants is a natural and very affordable way to treat a person’s health. Some of them are free, and easy to get. They are available out there, either grow wild or cultivated by farmers.
Some of major medicinal plants are native to Asia. One of them is aak plant, scientifically called Calotropis gigantea.
Aak Flower
‘Aak’ is also called ‘Madar’. The two species- red and white, are highly beneficial from an Ayurvedic point of view. Numerous medicines are manufactured using aak as an ingredient as it is a known cure for many diseases.
It is also used as a domestic medicine to treat various disorders. It is highly poisonous and should be treated with great care. If you get the juice in your eyes it causes instant blindness.
Suicides have used it and it is an abortifacient. Despite this it also has amazing healing powers and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is native to Pakistan and parts of India.