This is in 1282 Hijri, that is, 160 years ago in Baroda city of Saudi Arabia. Then rent this shop and spend the income on the needy. After the death of the sister, the brother, following the will, sold her jewelry and bought a shop in the name of the sister for 12 riyals (12 riyals was a big value at that time) and put it on rent and with the rent money.
Food and drink items were bought for the needy and this process continued for 100 years. After 100 years, the monthly rent of the shop had reached 15 thousand riyals, and with this money, good things were bought for the needy. The shop was under expansion, so the government bought this shop for 5 lakh riyals.
The trustworthy person who takes care of the shop built a whole building in another place with this huge amount of money, which consists of 4 big shops and 3 flats, these shops and flats now fetch millions of riyals in monthly rent and this rent belongs to Allah.
150 years ago, this virtuous woman had presented 12 Rials as a charity in the way of Allah, today those 12 Rials have turned into millions of Rials, during which time the deceased would have been receiving the reward. Only Allah will know the calculation of it.
The thing to think about is that if she had given these ornaments to her daughter according to the tradition and custom of the society, and the daughter would then give them to her daughter, by the time they reached the granddaughter,

these ornaments would have been rotten and out of fashion, then they would have been thrown away, but this noble Millions of needy people are benefiting from it for more than one and a half hundred years, thanks to the beautiful decision of the woman to give charity.
Do not consider the charity presented in the way of Allah as inferior or inferior, Allah blesses and increases charity.