At mid-morning, 27-year-old journalist Natalie Berdugo starts working in her computer. Since the pandemic began, she works from home where she lives with her boyfriend Camilo almost every day, despite the overwhelming heat of 30°C and humidity of almost 90 per cent usual in Barranquilla, where she has lived her entire life.
Natalie studied Journalism and Social Communication in Barranquilla and began to work since her bachelor studies as a freelance journalist. She has collaborated with several local media in the town and she claims to be passionate about everything that can generate a positive change in people’s lives.
Almost at the same time Andrés Galvis, a 22-year-old theater student starts working from his living room, in a humble home he shares with members of his family in Barranquilla, where he was born and raised. He puts a fan nearby to
handle the heat from the city and works in a radio-theater idea he had. He studies theater and through some local activities he met some members of Vokaribe and began working in radio-theater. Later in 2020, he and Natalie started working together in the national strategy ‘Somos Enlace’.