I can remember when my grandmother use to write letters on virgin white writing paper with a hand crafted fountain pen. Such a beautiful thing it was as it glistened in the rays of the sunlight with her perfect, beautiful, penmanship I would set watching and dreaming at her knee with one burning thought! The day that I would have my own hand crafted, trimmed in gold
balanced, drip proof, coveted fountain pen, with its own special velvet lined case, just like hers. I could hardly wait, I eagerly looked forward to the day when I would start to school and learn my A,B,C’s. So, that I might also carry on the tradition of reading, writing, and receiving, those precious letters too… Those pristine white envelopes and stamps with glue on the back that everybody just loved to lick… (Hahahaha)
Who would have thought (Bic and Paper Mate Ball Point Pens) and now that we have computers and email much of the personal touch of communicating has all but been lost or is surely slowly fading away… So that got me to thinking about the importance of sharing just not words of thought,
but the elegance, form, and manner, in which we convey our thoughts, emotions, and feelings… For whether we realize it or not when we write and communicate with each other we are sharing some of our most precious gifts that we as human beings have to offer… Sharing what we believe and think! In actuality the true essence of who we are, Us…

So this morning I would like to say… Thank you LinkedIn and my LinkedIn family and friends for providing such a wonderful and most precious outlet for my love and passion, listening and speaking to the hearts of others…
P.S. Grand-mama, thank you for loving me so very much and being such a guiding light in my life…