To live in your truth simply means to live as your most authentic self, doing things daily that bring you happiness and joy, living as true to yourself as possible.
For many, to live in their truth would be the absolute dream, what I am here to tell you is that it doesn’t need to be a dream, it can, in fact, be a reality.
This article will explain what living in your truth actually is, how to understand if you are already there and if you’re not already there, some action steps that will help you get there.
When we follow too many societal norms we can quite easily lose some of ourselves, some of our true self. When we live the life we think we should live we stop living the life we want to live. In the modern world, there are so many societal expectations especially on women, to have a career, have a baby, get married, be a housewife, you know, the list goes on,
it applies to men too (but not so much let’s be real). We follow these ‘safe and comfortable’ patterns and fall into preconceived roles as that is all we know, and ultimately we find comfort and security in it. It makes sense to most of us to follow these norms because they are comfortable. But actually, there’s so much out there that you are missing when you stay in that comfort zone.
Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a career, have a baby, get married or be a housewife – not in the slightest, for some people that is living in their truth and they’re more than happy and satisfied with their life. But I imagine if you are reading this article it is because you are not entirely satisfied and you feel like something is missing, something just isn’t quite right.

One day you may well take a step back and say ‘No! I’m going to live the life I WANT to live, not the life I think I should live and everyone around me thinks I should live’. This day will be a powerful day for all of those that get there! It is empowering to take control of your life, your destiny and ultimately your happiness. I hope by the end of this article you feel empowered to do exactly that.