The Role Of Parents in Making Children Lazy

By | December 8, 2024

They do everything for their children themselves.

They wash their clothes. They iron them.

They polish the children’s shoes.

They prepare lunch boxes and put them in the children’s homes.

on their return, they take out the boxes, wash them and dry them themselves.

Mothers clean children’s books and bags and make their beds themselves. As a result, children become inefficient and lazy, and they even call their younger siblings for a glass of water or say to their mother in a loud voice, “Ami pani to de do.” Pakistani children grow up with this culture. After that, their wives come. They consider them their virtual god and serve them like slaves. They also cook their food, wash and iron their clothes.

They clean their washrooms, make their beds and then endure their hatred, contempt and anger. So, if I say that Pakistani mothers are the children’s nurses, wives are maids and younger siblings are slaves, it will not be wrong. So the question is, will those who grow up in this environment not be inefficient and paralyzed?


“If you people really want to become a nation, then you have to instill in your children from the very beginning the habit of doing their own work and helping others, especially their parents, so that when these children reach adulthood, they can be both independent and responsible. You decide for yourself. How will a child who cannot get up and get a glass of water tomorrow take on the responsibility of the nation?”

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Role of parents in making children lazy