The magical life of a magic wife

By | May 30, 2021

Magic wives. We should have our own show. Married to a Magician means surprises around every corner. Some moments it’s a simple card flourish. Other times JD is making the baby disappear. It keeps life interesting, but the curtain never falls on this show.

Spouses are the standard first audience when a magician is working on something new — which is all the time.

It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, my task is put on hold when JD wants to show me a new effect.

“Hey Baby, check this out,” he said one morning.

He held up a nickel and placed it in my palm. He waved his hand over mine and the nickel disappeared.

“Wow, Honey! That’s amazing,” I said.

He then reached over to our bowl of Splenda packets and grabbed one at random, or so it seemed.

He tore open the packet and emptied the white powder into my palm, and out plopped the shiny silver nickel.

“Wow, that was really good! I don’t know how you did that,” I said.

He smiled and gave me a little magician’s flourish.

The wife did the magic