We need to spread awareness that Khawajasara & Transgender are 2 different things. 90% people do not know the difference between them.
KhawajahSara are mostly Naturally created by Allah & we should respect them equally. We should work for their education and jobs. Description is in picture
Transgenders are by Choice, where a man dress/behave / hv sex like a woman & viceversa. They don’t need to get surgery done or a medical procedure or checkup. This bill will give them protection.
Islam does not Allow a man to dress/behave/hv sex like woman & woman to dress/behave/hv sex like a man.
These unislamic concepts of Transgenders, Gender fluid, Queer, non binary, Gay, lesbian are spreading so much these days. These unislamic concepts can destroy Muslim kids in this life & life hereafter.
We are not against Transgender’s human rights. (Although Islam is very clear about it)
If adults wants to do GUNNAH, they should do in privacy ATLEAST.
Our society ALREADY shows tolerance by allowing them to exist in our friends circles & community
But who gave them the right to teach GUNNAH to our kids so openly?
In an Islamic county, Like other Forbidden things, like Adultery, Alcohol, Juwwa, this cant be advocated
In a Muslim country a person should be free to live according to Islam. One should NOT BE ABUSED FOR SAYING WHAT ISLAM SAYS but they always start a BULLYING campaign towards anyone who does not agree with these unislamic concepts.
Kindly Teach your kids tolerance towards all Genders, race, colour, community & faiths but also teach them Allah’s Orders in Quran & difference between Khawajahsara & Transgender.
Teach them, where other persons human rights end & their own human rights start specifically as a Muslim.
Difficult & Disturbing times
Allah Hamaray Bachoon Ki hifazat farmae.