In a world where choices define our existence, it’s fascinating to observe how our lifestyle preferences have transformed over time. Our decisions, especially those related to our health, have evolved significantly. From what we eat to how we live, our choices have shaped the way we experience life. Let’s explore the drastic shifts in lifestyle choices, both past and present.
Water Consumption: Then and Now
Then: Drinking Contaminated Water
Once upon a time, people quenched their thirst with murky, contaminated water from ponds and wells, potentially exposing themselves to various health risks.
Now: Pure Hydration
Today, we’ve embraced the purity of Nestlé and Pure Life water, ensuring clean, transparent hydration that keeps us vibrant even as we age.
Dietary Choices: Then and Now
Then: Unrefined Oils and Traditional Diets
In yesteryears, individuals thrived on locally produced, unrefined oils and traditional diets.
Now: Modern Cooking Oils and Supplements
Today, our dietary choices include meals cooked with double-filtered oil and modern supplements, keeping us youthful and energetic.
Salt Preferences: Then and Now
Then: Traditional Rock Salt
In the past, people seasoned their meals with traditional rock salt and rarely encountered health issues.
Now: Iodized Salt and Health Challenges
In the present, despite our preference for iodized salt, we face higher blood pressure and cardiovascular issues.
Dental Care: Then and Now
Then: Chewing Natural Herbs
In ancient times, people maintained strong teeth by chewing neem, babul, coal, and salt, even into their 80s.

Now: Dental Checkups and Toothpaste
Today, we diligently visit dentists, relying on toothpaste brands like Colgate and Dr. Toothpaste to protect our oral health.
Food Choices: Then and Now
Then: Simple, Wholesome Meals
Historically, individuals thrived on simple, unprocessed foods, staying fit throughout their lives.