Time passes with the changing of the seasons. Matt has been quietly sleeping for about 20 season or so. The young cubs that he helped save have now grown. They have trained in the ways of a Guardian. They have learned from Matts mistakes. Now, as they have made the transition to Guardian and discovered Matt’s journals, and new adventure begins. The fate of many, hang in the balance. Lives will change and the balance of power will shift or be destroyed.
In a distant, yet very near place, three Bears are resting lazily next to a remote lake. The noontime sun has peeked over the high trees, and the warm sunlight has driven the morning shadows from the ground; bathing the area in light, warmth, and life. The Breeze has shifted and comes from the North, crisp clean air falls from the glaciers and into the valley, a welcomed change in the passage of time.
“So cub, a shilling for your thoughts?” asked a Large Polar Bear, his curiosity growing.
“The past, the future….” His voice returned the question, but leaving more than it answered.
“You have been in a funk for a long time, I think it’s time to spill it, tell us what’s got you so deflated, that you would mope around for 20 years.”
Demanded a Tawny Grizzly, who was concerned for everyone.