The Daughter-In-Law Has A Duty To Serve The Mother-In-Law

By | December 1, 2021

In many traditions and customs around the globe, particularly in Africa and Asia, a daughter-in-law is expected to serve her husband’s parents and family members, especially the mother-in-law. Although this is a good and polite act, which may sometimes breed love and acceptance between daughter and mother-in- law, it must be understood that this practice is not based on any Islamic teaching.

Kindness of any sort is rewarding, but a lot of Muslims hold the misconception that it is obligatory on a woman to serve her in-laws. This is wrong. Here are the rights and responsibilities of a woman towards her husband and his family.

#1.The daughter in-law does not need to obey anybody among her in-laws, whether that is her husband’s dad, mother, siblings or sisters, in any matter, major or minor,

unless they advise her to accomplish something which is required by, or deny her to accomplish something that is haraam. In such matters she needs to comply, whether that originates from a relative or an outsider, an in-law or any other individual.

#2. They don’t have the privilege to drive her to do anything like, how to cook, how to dress or different things, for example, working and showing and so on, unless that is by method for guidance and kind treatment, not by method for impulse.

The daughter-in-law has a duty to serve the mother-in-law