7 Escape quickly from the company of fools; they’re a waste of your time, a waste of your words. 8 The wisdom of the wise keeps life on track; the foolishness of fools lands them in the ditch. 9 The stupid ridicule right and wrong, but a moral life is a favored life. 10 The person who shuns the bitter moments of friends will be an outsider at their celebrations. 11 Lives of careless wrongdoing are tumbledown shacks;
holy living builds soaring cathedrals. 12 There’s a way of life that looks harmless enough; look again – it leads straight to hell. 13 Sure, those people appear to be having a good time,
but all that laughter will end in heartbreak. Sift and Weigh Every Word 14 A mean person gets paid back in meanness, a gracious person in grace. 15 The gullible believe anything they’re told;
the prudent sift and weigh every word. 16 The wise watch their steps and avoid evil; fools are headstrong and reckless. 17 The hotheaded do things they’ll later regret; the hardhearted get the cold shoulder. In Context Parallel Compare…