I have three beautiful daughters. As a father I have constantly thought what should I teach my girls before they’re grown? I want to be a positive male role model for them. I want to be their friend, but most importantly I want to be a great father for them.
I am by no means a parenting expert in the educational sense. Everything that I have learned has come from being a parent myself and looking at the example of all the great fathers I have known. My father raised two girls and my father in-law raised 5 girls. I have compiled this list of 30 thing to teach your daughter before she’s grown from my experiences and what I have learned from watching my fathers.
1. You Are Beautiful
The world tends to make girls feel that they need to look a certain way in order to be beautiful. This is so far from the truth. Each individual has a uniqueness about them that makes them beautiful in their own way. As the first male role model in your daughters life it is important that you always tell them they beautiful.
You shouldn’t tell them, “You are beautiful in my eyes,” that implies that they are beautiful just to you. Rather just tell them that they are beautiful. Another way you can teach this to your daughter is by the example you set with your wife. You should tell your wife often that she is beautiful and let your daughter hear that. It is important that she knows how a woman should be treated by a man.
2. Be A Critical Thinker
It’s important to teach your daughter to think for herself. She should question things so that she can learn for herself the truthfulness behind what she is learning or doing. It seems to me that one thing we are losing is critical thinking. More and more people are believing everything they hear and watch.

Social media is a perfect example of this. People see posts on social media and believe them right away without even knowing if it is true, or coming from a credible source. My wife is very strong willed and can really think for herself. She has passed that trait down to my daughters and it is something that I’m trying hard to get them to keep.